Thursday, May 31, 2012

Is a puzzlement

Sumo is still not eating much.  The petsmart lady told me last week that he may need to get used having the exercise space and being fed more often, but its seems odd that after almost 2 weeks in the tank he's still only eating 1 or 2 betta bits or blood worms at a time.  He acts like he's hungry but it's almost like he can't see the food, or just loses interest or isn't sure what it is.  I think he needs to be in a bigger tank with more horizontal room and overhead lighting that will warm the water as well - his tank is only 76 degrees.  Tomorrow I'm going to get him a 5.5 gallon and start getting it set up, perhaps that will help.  He seems happy still at least, keeping up with his bubble nest and swimming quickly around looking at me whenever I get near the tank.

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