Saturday, June 2, 2012

Sumo's New Tank

Yesterday I set up a new tank for Sumo the betta.  It's a 5.5 gallon kit from Petsmart with a power filter and incandescent light in the hood.  I added Super Naturals sand substrate, bamboo, marimo moss balls, the Balinese lantern "house" from his original tank, and a Buddha statue.  One of the bamboo curls was from his original tank, and I also used some of his water to set up the tank.  Once it was all set up, I popped an old filter cartridge from the other betta's tank behind the new filter and put in a small 10 watt heater that I had.  It's supposedly too small for a 5 gallon tank but the tank still reached 80 degrees overnight and went up to 82 today once I had the light on for awhile.  Today I removed the old filter as the water had become a bit cloudy and added some water clarifier.  A few hours later I used a floating magnet tank cleaner to sweep off sand particles from the front of the glass.  Then I turned off the heater and added Sumo to the tank, carefully floating him in a bag for a while to get used to the warmer temperature.  I've never seen a betta swim so much!  Whether it's the warmer temp, the more room, or just a new space to explore, he seems to really like his new home.  I will definitely be getting a 5.5 gallon tank for Indy as well when I move.

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